Cards – Big Game Project

For the majority of my time this week, I have been working on implementing a lot of different cards for the game and I made twelve cards in total. These are the cards people can buy for resources and then use to play them when they draw the cards. There are different cards in different categories. Some help you gain resources or cards; some help you manage your deck and some are used to sabotage your opponent in some way. Some cards have been easier than others to implement. The cards that I had most trouble with creating were the ones that had a lot of interaction with the enemy player and other cards. An example is a card called “Wiretap” and it says: “Reveal this when your opponent buys a card. Gain a copy of that card. Place it in the discard pile.” That card also has a mechanic we call stealth. It is similar of how trap cards work in Yu-Gi-Oh in the way that they are placed faced down and are revealed and activated when the opponent has met certain conditions. A player can have a maximum of three stealth cards, so if a player has three wiretaps in play, a player can earn three cards in one round. There is a lot the game must send to the other player such as if a player is wiretapped or not, how many wiretaps are in play and what cards are being bought. Because I’m not very experienced in networking, I have made a lot of different functions that sends what card a player buys if they are wiretapped. This is not optimal and the code can be hard to read, so that I something I might fix in the future.

The easier cards to implement were the ones that didn’t do very much other than drawing cards or giving resources. Take “Junk Treasure” for an example. It says “You gain two temporary resources. You gain a NULL card. Place it in your hand.” The hand is a list of cards, so a NULL card object is added to that list and the resources is just an integer which is increased by two. The only networking for this card is to show the other player that I played this card.


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