More Networking! – Big Game Project

So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of the player scripts sending actions to the other person, the actions are sent to the controller which tells all players that this actions happens.

Players are able to purchase cards during game play in our game and then play with those cards when they are drawn. Purchasing and playing cards are the other things I have been working on a lot this week. An example of how purchasing a card works is that if I am player one and it is my turn, I can click on any pile I want if I have the resources for it. One of the cards I can buy is “Strong Stuff” which increases my resources by one and makes me draw a card. If I click on that card and I have the money for it, the game object “Strong Stuff” alongside the cards in my hand will be added to my list of discarded cards. This will also be sent to the controller script so that the other player knows what action I did and then end my turn and enable the other players turn. The process is almost the same for when playing cards but instead of checking the cost there are other conditions. There are now six other cards excluding “Strong Stuff”.

I also got to build and test the game on an android tablet late this week. The only problem that occurred was that the texture atlas we used for all the cards was to big for the tablet to handle. I had not thought of this before so the texture we used was 4096×4096 in size but all the cards came out completely black. We will have to use smaller atlases for the tablet version as we want the game to work on as many different types of tablets as well. This probably should not be a problem but it can be worth keeping that in mind in the future for other projects while working on multiple platforms.

Purchase cards

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